Leading your business with Purpose
In our desire to develop, grow and change we sometimes unknowingly set conflicting goals. It is as if we have one foot on the accelerator and another on the brake. We end up stationery, unable to proactively move forward with the change we are seeking. I think there are two types of goals that conflict – one type I’ll call objective, extrinsic or technical and the other subjective, intrinsic or what Lisa Lahey1 refers to as adaptive. Both can be conscious or unconscious though…
In Part 1 of this article I explored the psychology and neuroscience behind procrastination to help us understand why we procrastinate. I also discussed the high cost that procrastination can have in our lives and businesses, especially in preventing us from setting and keeping goals. Our health, happiness, finances, self-worth, relationships and our dreams are all negatively impacted when we take little or no action on our hearts desires and the things that really give us meaning and fulfilment. As previously noted, numerous books and…
In a recent article I suggested that you reflect on the ‘big rocks’ in your life or business and on how to ensure you schedule your priorities by putting them in ‘The Jar’ first. At a personal level, these might be a project that YOU want to accomplish: time with your loved ones, faith issues, your education, your finances, a cause, or teaching or mentoring others. For many business owners it might be a goal or key driver for your business. The point was to…
The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities. Stephen Covey As we come to the middle of the year it’s time to stop, reflect and reset. I did this over the weekend with a group of dedicated entrepreneurs. It was so energising, motivating and … hugely beneficial. We commence the year, focussed, energised by our goals and then after about 90 days, life catches up with us and we tend to relax back into our comfort zone. Life…
“ A man who chases two rabbits catches none. ” v - Roman Proverb It may surprise you to hear that people who multi-task are actually less productive than those who just concentrate on one project at a time. (Yep, that’s us blokes. Haven’t you heard the ladies say: “He’s a man! What do you expect? He can only do one thing at a…